Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 3rd April 2017 at 2pm

Present :      
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford - Treasurer
John Bulmer
Bob Hickson
Ron Kidson
Gaynor Richards
Phyl Woodman

1. Apologies received from, Peter Illes, Peter Leigh, David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC) and David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC)

2. Minutes of Meeting of 6th March 2017 were approved including DT’s approval of the Patshull Lane item but also noting the typographical error “entrance” to be deleted after A41 in item 3.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP reported that the balance at bank is £2017.74.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Village Entrances Scheme.
Entrances at Patshull Lane/A464. JB reported that he had checked the vehicle sight lines and there was not a problem. However as DT had requested, on behalf of some Boningale councillors, the roses would be removed for reuse elsewhere but JB said that this would need to be at the right season. It was agreed that a meeting on site of DT with those Boningale councillors and representatives of the Society, including JB, would be held to agree on the next steps.. 
ACTION: PW would ask DT to discuss with his councillors and to suggest some suitable dates when they can come to the meeting on site.

b) Eyesores.
Albrighton Garage, High Street. BH reported that the owner had not wanted to discuss painting the old petrol pumps. ACTION: PW to write to the owner.
BH reported that Steve Browne at SC was not responding to his emails for updates.
ACTION: PW to write to Steve Browne.
Ex Barclays Bank. PW had written again to the owners of the ex-Barclays Bank building to say that unless they got on with the proposed building work both ADCS and Alb PC will seek to block extension of any current planning permission. PW reported that the Planning decision was signed 29/11/2011 and work was to start within 3 years which members agreed had not happened. ACTION: PW to write to Ian Kilby, SC Head of Planning, with a photo of the frontage

c) Swimming Pool.  PW reported that: -  of the 166 people who had signed up to the Lottery the SOs of 155 had reached the Lottery bank account and that the first draw had been held and winners announced. Albrighton Swimming Pool Action Group (AWPAG) : the school did not attend the 24th March meeting and had written to say they felt the already agreed next step of transferring the control of the pool from SC to a local Trust should not happen yet. Some members were disappointed that the school had not attended to explain their views and to discuss them with their partners in the Group. The AWPAG Chairman proposed that in the circumstances the Group should not meet until September 2017, after the swimming season had ended.

d) Station Pedestrian access Ramp. RS, as Secretary of the Ramp Team, reported that since providing, in December 2016, the Alb PC Clerk with documents for him to use with the insurer that he had not received any update from the Clerk on his discussions with the insurer. PW said that in an Alb PC meeting the Clerk had said that the insurance broker had suggested that the cover should be a separate policy and the premium may be approximately £1000 per annum but that the PC preferred that the ramp was included in the existing policy and had asked the Clerk to discuss further with the broker.

e) Traffic matters including Parking.
One of the Society’s projects is to try to have the Society’s request for a Comprehensive Review of Traffic Issues in the District included in County and/or Village Plans.
ACTION: We wait until the work for the new Albrighton Place Plan is started and then make a new approach. DB had previously advised that the Alb PC clerk is responsible to start this work.

5. Matters arising

a) Albrighton Station Building on Platform 1 (to Wolverhampton)
PW and RS had accepted Alison Taylor’s (Platform Alehouse) invitation to a meeting on 9th March 2017with NR and LMT to discuss NR’s offer to open part of the building if she wanted to install a drinks machine and LMT’s scheme for adopt-a-station. NR had not brought the key to the building so Alison could not inspect it to check on viability.
Discussion on site with all parties confirmed that the canopy on platform 2, and supported by its own columns, is not part of the station building (Platform Alehouse). This means that it is to be maintained by NR – it is in urgent need of such maintenance.
Adopt-a-Station scheme explained by LM. ACTION: PW and RS to discuss with ADCS committee and also bring it to the attention of the PCs. LM would make a presentation to ADCS (including the PCs if they were interested) after the 4th May Election.

b) Litter Pick. MP reported that the Scouts had come out in force, including 2 parents and both leaders, and had done a good job collecting 10 bags of rubbish from Shaw Lane along Kingswood Rd to the A41. MP said no-one came to help him when he collected from High St to Wyvale. Andrea McWilliams SC had kindly provided bags and loaned picking equipment and SC had collected the bags.
6. AOB

a) Albrighton Fayre 8th July 2017
ACTION: In MP’s absence PW will book our usual place at the booking meeting on 2nd May 2017. Forms and details are available from the Fayre committee in advance.

Next  meeting:  3p.m. Monday 8th May 2017 at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 5th June 2017.

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 9th October 2017